On this page you’ll find my academic publications as well as information about how this work is being applied.
My publications span fields as diverse as economics, psychology, policy, religion, ethics, food, sustainability, and innovation, and can be requested on ResearchGate. Here you can also download my doctoral dissertation on ‘Worldviews and the transformation to sustainable societies’ (2013).
In this article you’ll find a good summary and synthesis of much of this work.
Worldview Test
My research resulted in a new worldview-model and Worldview Test, which are being applied in different settings globally, from research to education to organizational change.
- Research Tools allows you to use the Worldview Test with your own study group.
- The Worldview Journey supports you to utilize it for educational and training purposes.
- The Culture Scan supports processes of organizational change and renewal.
This test also contributes to an ever-expanding global database on worldviews.
Academic publications
- Proposing a Cultural Evolutionary Perspective for Dedicated Innovation Systems: Bioeconomy Transitions and Beyond. (Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2021).
- Transformative solutions for sustainable well being. Designing effective strategies for addressing our planetary challenges (Chapter in the book Engaged Sustainability, Springer, 2018).
- Reflexive communicative action for climate solutions: Toward an integral ecology of worldviews (Chapter in the book The Variety of Integral Ecologies, SUNY Press, 2017).
- A new tool to map the major worldviews in the Netherlands and USA, and explore how they relate to climate change (Journal of Environmental Science and Policy, 2016).
- Help the climate, change your diet: A study on how to involve consumers in a transition to a low-carbon society (Appetite, 2016).
- Global warming calls for an inner climate change: The power of worldview reflection for global sustainability (Chapter in the book Spirituality and Sustainability, Springer, 2016).
- Climate change and the clash of worldviews. An exploration of how to move forward in a highly polarized debate (Zygon: Journal on Religion and Science, 2015).
- Understanding public perceptions of biotechnology through the ‘Integrative Worldview Framework’ (Public Understanding of Science, 2015).
- Rethinking sustainable development: Considering how different worldviews envision “development” and “quality of life” (Sustainability, 2014).
- Exploring inner and outer worlds: A quantitative study of worldviews, environmental attitudes, and sustainable lifestyles (Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2014).
- The integrative worldview and its potential for sustainable societies: A qualitative exploration of the views and values of environmental leaders (Worldviews, 2014).
- Worldviews and their significance for the global sustainable development debate: A philosophical exploration of the evolution of a concept (Environmental Ethics, 2013).
- Pathways to environmental responsibility: A qualitative exploration of the spiritual dimension of nature experience (Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 2013).
- Exploring worldviews and their relationship to sustainable lifestyles: Towards a new conceptual and methodological approach (Ecological Economics, 2012).
- The rising culture and worldview of contemporary spirituality: A sociological study of potentials and pitfalls for sustainable development (Ecological Economics, 2011).
Annick’s research draws from philosophical, psychological, social, and political perspectives. Of course this is impressive, but even more so is the fact that she integrates these disparate disciplines into a coherent synthesis using contemporary metatheory. Her dissertation is also exceptionally well-written. It is academically precise, yet simultaneously manages to be lucid and readable which is a rare combination in academic works.
Global use of the worldview-model
The Worldview Test and model are, among others, being used for research into:
- Complex policy issues such as bushfire management in Australia
- Indigenous communities and climate resilience in Mexico
- Self-directed learning capabilities in South Africa
- Perceptions of geo-engineering technologies in Canada
- Pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors in Indonesia
- Stigmatization of mental health illness diagnoses in the USA
- Islamic input on tissue engineering of articular cartilage in Malaysia
- Transformative education for sustainable development in Australia
- Exceptional human experiences and beliefs (from a social psychology perspective) in Portugal
- The societal debate on biotechnology and the upcoming ‘bio-economy’